A charcoal portrait of Regina Derieva by Dennis Creffield.
Images of Regina Derieva
(in approximate
chronological order)
1. Portraits & Illustrations
by Dennis Creffield
2. Portraits by Other Painters
Sketches by Regina Derieva
A bas-relief by Arcady Kotler. 2015
Courtesy Sigtunastiftelsen
Newly discovered portrait of Regina dated from
1987 by Pavel Rechensky (1923-1999). Courtesy of TENGRI-Modern
Regina Derieva’s drawings from the series of very few
illustrations for the
unfinished cycle of poems on Greco-Roman mythology. The
cycle is titled
'The Unnatural World'. Courtesy of Stanford University
Three "Khazar" pictures painted by Regina Derieva on
with egg-tempera. Courtesy of Stanford University Archives.
At some time around 2005 Regina recalled her Khazar origins.
She wrote a little
about it in one of her essays. And one day, after my
persuading her to try icon
painting, she created three pictures in what she imagined
to be the "Khazar"
manner, or in any event with Khazar elements.
The Khazars were a Turkic people who originated in Central
Asia and later
settled in cities and towns throughout the northern Caucasus
and the Ukraine.
The kingdom of the Khazars is now long gone. Some Khazars
Christianity (http://www.khazaria.com/khazar-christians.html),
though many
others were interested in Judaism and Islam. Those Khazars
who practiced
a form of Judaism called Karaism became known, with some
exceptions, as Karaites.
In 2006 Regina got a letter from her friend and translator,
Daniel Weissbort,
where, writing of himself he said that he had "...always
been fascinated by the
Mongols (Turkic people) and their descendants, since
my mother's family is
supposed to be of Mongol origin - obviously a very long
time ago! But I have
photos of uncles or distant relatives, from Poland in
which they look quite
oriental!..." So, somehow Daniel has encouraged her too...
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of books by Regina Derieva |
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